
Hi folks! My name is Allan Bevere. I am a retired United Methodist pastor (did that for 38 years), and an adjunct professor (still doing that at 30 years). I also engage in teaching mission in Cuba, Zimbabwe, and Cameroon, and any place an airplane will take me. My hobbies include reading, vegetable gardening, cooking, hiking, playing guitar, and having coffee and conversation. I love going to baseball games. It is the greatest sport EVER invented!

I founded Faith Seeking Understanding as a place where all seekers can ponder profound things. It was Anselm of Canterbury who said, “I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this also I believe,—that unless I believed, I should not understand.”

This is a place where I attempt to distill in a small way two thousand years of profound reflection on the things of Christian faith and 21st century life from the many voices throughout history who have thought and think more deeply than I. So, whether you are a person of deep Christian faith, a doubter, or a skeptic I invite you join me on the journey toward better and deeper understanding. We cannot travel the journey toward wisdom alone.

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I am Allan R Bevere, pastor (retired), professor, Bible Moth, Theologian-in-Exile, and Peddler of Hope. I write and speak on the Christian faith and 21st century life.


I write on the Christian faith and 21st century life. #pastor (retired), #professor, #blogger, #author, #editor #podcaster #YouTuber #bgbg2, #UMC